These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are designed to help you understand health education instruction at Hockinson School District.
What is Hockinson School District required to teach related to health education?
Washington state requires school districts to teach students about CPR; AED (automated external defibrillator) use; suicide prevention and mental health; and HIV and STD prevention (annually, through grade 12, beginning no later than 5th grade).
Does the District teach sexual health education?
The District teaches the state-mandated health curriculum as well as 5th grade human growth and development.
Does the District utilize the King County-developed FLASH curriculum?
No. Hockinson School District does not use FLASH curriculum.
What materials does Hockinson School District use for health education instruction?
Our teachers utilize the textbook “Essential Health,” by Catherine A. Sanderson, PhD, and Mark Zelman, PhD. The textbook was originally published in 2014 and is comprised of the following topics:
- Introduction to health and wellness
- Nutrition and food choices
- Fitness and personal health
- Understanding and avoiding hazardous substances
- Diseases and disorders
- Mental and emotional health and wellness
- Social health and wellness
- The human lifecycle
This and other textbooks must be approved by the District’s Instructional Materials Committee prior to use. The committee is made up of administrators, a teacher, a community representative and a librarian.
Can parents review the health curriculum/materials offered at their child's school?
Absolutely. Parents are welcome to review health education curriculum/materials offered at their child's school by submitting a written request to the School Board or their child’s school principal.
Can parents opt out of all or part of health education classes?
Yes. Parents may excuse their child from health education by submitting a written request. Opting out will in no way impact a student’s grade. Students who opt out of health lessons will be given alternate assignments.
Who can I contact with additional questions?
We welcome any questions you may have regarding this or any other topic. You can send them to Colleen Anders, HSD Director of Teaching and Learning, at 360.448.6404 or