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Every day is an important day for learning. Good attendance is a key tool in ensuring success in school. Chronic absenteeism and tardiness in early elementary school has a direct correlation to higher dropout rates in high school. Our attendance goal at HHES is to ensure the safety of your student, identify any barriers that could prevent them from attending school, and help them develop habits that will benefit them in their future education and the workforce. Washington State law requires enrolled students to attend school regularly and on time. The attendance record becomes part of the student’s permanent file.

Attendance Guidelines are:

  • In the event that your child needs to be absent from school, a call or signed note from the parent or guardian is required by state law and board policy. In the note or call, state the dates missed, the reason for being gone from list of excused absences laid out by the Washington State’s Compulsory Attendance Law (RCW 28A.225). This note needs to be received by the attendance office before the absence or within 72 hours of their return.
  • To ensure student safety, you will receive a phone call from the school when your child is absent and we have not received prior notification. To help us keep your child safe, please ensure that your primary phone is listed correctly and your voicemail is able to accept new messages.  

Excused Absences:

  • Excused absences for illness in excess of five (5) consecutive school days or seven (7) total per month are deemed to cause a serious adverse effect upon the student’s educational progress and therefore will need to be accompanied by a physician’s note to continue to be excused.
  • Excused absences for family or vacation in excess of five (5) consecutive days or seven (7) total per month are asked to have a pre-arranged notice with the attendance office and teacher. For homework over these dates please contact your child’s teacher directly as homework requirements differ in each classroom. You can contact them by email at “”
  • Should your child’s absence record, for any reason, excused or unexcused, reach 10% of the current school year, you will start to receive a “Chronic Absenteeism” letter to keep you informed of their current attendance record. These letters will be sent home with the student, often in their classroom “Friday folder.” Should absences increase to 20% of the current school year you may be requested to attend a conference with school administration to create an attendance plan for your child.
  • Reasons for excused absences are:
    • Illness
    • Verified health care appointment
    • Family Emergency
    • Prearranged absence request
    • Religious observance
    • School related activities
    • Short term suspension


Unexcused Absences:

  • After two (2) unexcused absences you may receive another phone call or email from the school concerning the absences of your child. If not response is given, you may receive an Attendance Alert Notification letter in the mail.
  • Reasons for unexcused absences are:
    • Submitting a signed excuse which does not constitute an excuse absence as defined previously
    • Failing to notify the school of your child’s absences by either a phone call, a signed note or a parent entered request on Skyward Family Access  

Pre-Arranged Absences:

  • To notify the school before an absence either for vacation or medical reasons you can either:
    • Call the attendance line
    • Fill out a notification form with the attendance office (This form can be found at the attendance office located in the Main Office)
    • Submit an attendance request on Skyward Family Access
  • Please return as soon as possible to the attendance office. For pre-arranged vacations we ask that you return this form a week before you leave. This allows time for preparations, including homework, to be ready for your child.


Attendance Office Contact information:

Phone Line:

  • 360-448-6400 option 1
  • If you receive the answering machine please state clearly your students name, their teacher and the reason and dates they are missing school.
  • Attendance submissions can also be done online at Skyward Family Access. Please contact the school or district office for your Skyward Access ID.



Girl handles a pin flag for marking recently planted native bushes on a field trip
Group of students study salmon outdoors. Girl smiles at camera.
Three boys stand at table and interact with hands-on educational materials
High school hawk mascot on left interacts with young girl on rigt.
High school boy stands with Smokey Bear outdoors